Chrisna, Heriyati (2024) EFISIENSI DAN EFEKTIFITAS BANK WAKAF MIKRO DI INDONESIA. Doctoral thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara.

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The covid-19-induced decline in economic activity affects the financial andsocial efficiency of microfinance institutions (MFIs). Chen Zheng's (2020) research finding is that the pandemic-induced impact reduces the financial efficiency of MFIs. Based on the literature study, it is found that Islamic financing has the advantage of the principle of risk sharing to overcome the vulnerability of MSME businesses. Waqf Bank which is one of the Islamic microfinance institutions that receives social funds, both from corporate CSR and personal donations and has a mentoring and training program for its customers. So the existence of the Micro Waqf Bank is indeed very much expected to be one of the tools for economic recovery during this pandemic. Thisstudy aims to analyze the efficiency and effectiveness of the Micro Waqf Bank before and during the covid-19 pandemic. The sample in this study is Micro Waqf Banks located throughout Indonesia that have complete data to be obtainedusing Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). The findings of this study are that in 2018, the number of efficient Micro Waqf Banks was around 78% with an average efficiency value of 95% and an effective number of around 53% with an average effectiveness value of 81%. In 2019, the number of efficient Micro WaqfBanks was around 58%, with an average efficiency value of 87%, the number of effective ones was around 37% with an average effectiveness value of 78%. In 2020, the efficient Micro Waqf Banks increased to 82%, with an average efficiency value of 93%, the number of effective ones increased from 2019 to 43%, with an average efficiency value of 93% with an average effectiveness value of 77%. There is an increase in efficient and effective Micro Waqf Banks in2020 compared to 2019, as well as the average value of efficiency has increased, while the average value of effectiveness has decreased by 1%. The biggest cause ofinefficiency is in operating expenses and the number of KUMPI,while the cause ofineffectiveness is in the amount of financing channeled. From the results of the Wilcoxon test, it was found that there was no difference in the efficiency and effectiveness of Micro Waqf Banks in Indonesia before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. Efficient and effective in Islamic concepts are also called ihsan and itqan. The realization of ihsan and itqan at the Micro Waqf Bank is in line with IbnAshur's maqhasid sharia concept, namely Ar Rawaj (distribution of wealth) and also Al Hifzh (protection of wealth) and also fulfills the concept of tabarru' (voluntary).

Jenis Item: Skripsi (Doctoral)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Efficiency, Effectivity, Micro Finance, Sharia Accounting
Subjects: 2X4 FIQH > 2X4.2 Muamalah > 2X4.27 Bank
Divisions: Program Pasca Sarjana > Program Doktor > Disertasi Doktor
Pengguna yang mendeposit: Mrs. Misdar Piliang
Date Deposited: 04 Feb 2025 07:52
Last Modified: 04 Feb 2025 07:52
URI: http://repository.uinsu.ac.id/id/eprint/24508

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