Pelaksanaan manajemen peningkatan mutu profesionalitas guru di MAN Kisaran

Sari, Wulan and Syafaruddin, Syafaruddin and Halimah, Siti (2017) Pelaksanaan manajemen peningkatan mutu profesionalitas guru di MAN Kisaran. Ittihad: Jurnal Pendidikan, 1 (1). pp. 1-12. ISSN 2549-9238

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The superiority of a nation is no longer characterized by the abundance of natural resources, but on the superiority of their human resources. The quality of education is one of determinants of the availability of the superior human resources. The quality of education is achieved when the inputs, processes, outputs, teachers, infrastructure, and cost have met the right standard. However, from these components, the one that has bigger role is the professional teacher. It is because teachers are at the forefront of educational success of school. Therefore, the role of a headmaster as the manager in managing the school is the key factor of success of the school, including improving the quality of teacher professionalism

Jenis Item: Artikel
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 370 Education > 371 School management; special education > 371.3 Metode, kegiatan belajar mengajar; metode pembelajaran
Divisions: Artikel (Jurnal, Koran, Majalah)
Pengguna yang mendeposit: Mrs Hildayati Raudah
Date Deposited: 07 Oct 2017 13:00
Last Modified: 07 Oct 2017 13:00

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